François Jégou, Strategic Design Scenarios, November 2019 (Version française à la suite) « We community collaborators have many ideas, but they are like a cloud. During these two days of work with the design[…]
Catégorie : Sustainability
Some news from URBACT BIOCANTEENS Tansfer Network. Our first Phase 2 Transnational Meeting was pretty early with only 5 of the 6 city partners (despite efforts from all the Greek city of Trikala was not allowed to engage travel cost[…]
(English version below) Le Sénat de Belgique accueille SUPERDEMOCRATIE du 1er au 31 octobre 2017. Initiative conjointe de M HKA, BPS 22, BOZARS et VUB CROSSTALKS cette exposition présente des œuvres contemporaines et des commentateurs invités autour des thèmes INVESTIGATIO,[…]
THE FUTURE OF ME in a sustainable world: a forward-looking game in which you are both the main player and the main focus! THE FUTURE OF ME IN A NUTSHELL… The project « THE FUTURE OF ME » proposes that we think[…]
Citizenship in Brussels’ lockdown
Saturday 7:10 rushing to the metro: today we host the Brussels’ CIMULACT workshop. The same workshop takes place also in Milan today and last week it was in Copenhagen. These 3 workshops are the first of a series of workshops[…]
Killing the powerpoint and the keynote!
What will you bring home from the URBACT City Festival in Riga? was the question asked by the moderator Sally Kneeshaw at the final panel of participants representing various levels of local, national and EU governance. Typical question where you[…]
PERL working on green jobs for sustainable living…
PERL working on green jobs for sustainable living… March 6th-9th 2013 in Marseille, France was the official launch of the second PERL project recently approved for 3 more years of activities financed by the Lifelong Learning Programme of DG Education[…]
Piloting visioning tools of the kit with St Orens, Agenda 21…
St Orens is a 10000 suburban city East of Toulouse hosting March 28th a visioning atelier in the perspective of finalizing the Agenda 21 at the end of the 2013. It was for SDS and ARPE the occasion for piloting[…]